
Hear the Bridegroom’s First Proposal

Jesus, God incarnate, used parables to disclose liberating spiritual truth to those with ears to hear. The Word used words to touch the heart and soul and quicken the spirit of fallen man. But we are also drawn to the truth by seeing. We are surrounded every day,... here and now..., by visual parables of creation, sublime parables of beauty, majesty and splendor that help to illuminate the pathway home to the creative Author of the universe and his Eternal Kingdom.….

“Created beauty eclipses God’s beauty in the desire factory of man’s heart. It is a case of mistaken identity. Every created beauty was created by God to lead our affections to Him. That’s why He made the pleasures of earthly beauty so fleeting — so that on the other side of the pleasure we might experience either wonder and worship and ultimate satisfaction in God or the pursuit of the pleasure that beauty provides for its own sake. If we choose the latter, we will only be disappointed again.”
—Steve DeWitt

“We do not want merely to see beauty... we want something else which can hardly be put into words- to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves, to bathe in it, to become part of it. That is why we have peopled air and earth and water with gods and goddesses, and nymphs and elves.”
—C.S. Lewis

Hear the Bridegroom’s First Proposal

Simple parables of Beauty,
To be seen instead of heard….
One more way The Way is speaking,
One more way the spirit’s stirred.

Simple parables of Beauty
That surround us every day
Speak the words of natural Wonder
And invite us home to stay.

Simple parables of vision,
Double-edged swords of Light...
From the Author and Creator
Of the True, the Good and Right.

He is Peace, Eternal Comfort,
Truth sublime by sight revealed....
Living Water set before us,
Drawing souls to Who is Real.

Hear creation's silent whisper,
Truth that no one can deny*.
Beauty beckons...Revelation.
Do you ever wonder “Why?”

Hear the Shepherd by still water,
Silent whispers on the breeze.
Hear the Bridegroom's first proposal
In reflection on your knees.

*Romans 1:20