
Won't You Wallow Here Beside Us?

Won't You Wallow Here Beside Us?

Won’t you join us in the pig sty
Where the mud is ‘normal’, sir?
Won’t you wallow here beside us
Where the muck’s what we prefer?

You may re-imagine “pure” here,
Re-define, my friend, what’s “clean”….
Change your outlook, shift your vision,
And pretend this dirt’s pristine.

Look, the gospel's been updated,
Yes, it fits with how we feel...
Now the Word's what we declare it,
What we're feeling seals the deal.

Set The Standard to your liking...
So the mark you'll never miss!
Make the Truth fit your agenda,
And then follow your own bliss!

Set the bar just where you want it,
Just exactly where you need....
That way failure's not an issue,
Self-esteem, son, guaranteed!

Make believe God’s Law’s unholy,
And Jehovah got it wrong….
Think: “Sin” never was a problem!
There was no “Fall” all along!”

Yes, sir, proudly look around you,
Tell yourself that dark is light,
Close your eyes and cross your fingers,
And then simply walk by sight.

"This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil."
—John 3:19