
Who Designed Creation’s Braille?

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”
Hebrews 11:1

Man alone is uniquely equipped to ponder, examine, explore, and enjoy the intricate design, harmony, and sublime beauty of the physical universe set before him. He searches the marvelous natural world with microscopic and telescopic zeal, and he does so with all the Enlightenment reason that he can muster. Yet, despite his awe and striving, he still remains blind to ultimate Reality and Truth….

The “bottom line” remains elusive, invisible, unfathomable, and out of reach.

But still, this Mystery stalks and pursues the human heart. We experience a ceaseless longing as if it were…somehow… intentionally embedded or “programmed” within us1.

"It is the heart which perceives God and not the reason. That is what faith is: God perceived by the heart, not by reason."
—Blaise Pascal

Who Designed Creation’s Braille?

Standing in God’s Self-disclosure,
In its midst, we stand amazed….
Mysteries here beckon to us,
Beauty nudging us to praise.

Revelation vast and endless,
Signs and wonders of delight.
Never-Ending gifts to ponder
Stretching out into the night….

What could be the explanation?
What…or Who’s behind this veil?
Who has stitched this Awe-Filled wonder?
Who designed creation’s braille?

Could this be an invitation
For the spirit-blind to see?
Might there be a hidden Reason….
Made for our discovery?

Could this be a Grand Proposal,
Friend, to open up the heart2?
“Speech” disguised,… by Grace extended,
Purposed from the very start?

Father, may the Truth surround us,
Storm these Gates of Pride with Light,
Mercy, take this blindness from us3,
Break into our darkened plight.

Help us then to see more clearly,
Give us ears to hear love’s call…
Introduce us to the Bridegroom
Come to raise us from The Fall.

Help us know creation’s Author4,
By the wind that stirs the soul5,
Sow the seed of Faith within us
By these splendors we behold.

Call us through creation’s Beauty6,
Love’s epistle that we see.
Help us sense that Gift of Grace, Lord….
Lead us then to Calvary.

“All the things in this world are gifts and signs. As gifts, they point beyond themselves to the divine giver. As signs, they point beyond themselves to the God they signify and reveal, as a letter reveals the writer. And since God is love, the one thing everything signifies is God's love to us. The whole world is a love letter from God…. Everything is God's lips speaking love, God's message to us. Everything has its meaning here between God and us, not in itself. Everything is relative to this absolute.”
—Peter Kreeft

“At present we are on the outside of the world, the wrong side of the door. We discern the freshness and purity of morning, but they do not make us fresh and pure. We cannot mingle with the splendours we see. But all the leaves of the New Testament are rustling with the rumour that it will not always be so. Some day, God willing, we shall get in.”
—C.S. Lewis, “The Weight of Glory”

1 Ecclesiastes 3:11

2 Jeremiah 29:13

3 Mark 10: 46-52, John 9:25

4 Genesis 1:1

5 John 3: 5-8

6 2Chronicles 16: 31-34